But nothing has changed more than my life. In just a few years, I became a writer, a blogger, a divorcee, a designer, an aspiring chef, a lover, a wanderer, an orphan, a lonely crusader for sanity and happiness, and now, I am soon going to add one more description to my name. I am going to marry the love of my life.
This is perhaps, one of the most exciting times of my life. Though the wedding, scheduled for February, is an extremely low key affair, I am thrilled about starting the rest of my life with someone who has helped me heal, and has helped me become the woman I always thought I could be.
These past few months have been hectic, and I have not been able to post as often as possible. The content on Shotcouture is undergoing change. I have been working on Bandagi, my own line of accessories. I have a lot going on. But blogging keeps me sane. It helps me stay on track, and not lose sight of my dreams, my aspirations.
The next few posts will be about the very rushed, very tight-scheduled wedding preparations. From the "Girls' Nite Out", to the post-wedding dinner, my not so fat Indian wedding will be the focus of this blog's posts. This weekend, I shop for my post-wedding dinner dress.
For now, I am leaving you with one of my favorite recent looks. The skirt is from Goa, made my these really talented, quirky ex-hippies, who happen to be my favorite designers. More on the wedding soon.